Kenyatta, Ruto Photo-Op With Coast leaders Raises Speculation

President Uhuru Kenyatta meeting with a section of coast leaders has been interpreted as a turn around in political strategy. -By Gerald Gekara.

While his handshake partner is wallowing in COVID-19 trouble, Uhuru hosted Governors, Amason Kingi (Kilifi), Hassan Joho (Mombasa) and Salim Mvurya (Kwale).

The trio have been embroiled in a battle for supremacy, with Amason Kingi vouching for a coast political party.

His efforts have put him at loggerheads with a section of the ODM leadership, climaxing at a public spat with the party leader Raila Odinga.

Joho, who has been eyeing the 2022 presidential seat, .pulled out of the discussions, in favour of running his candidature under ODM where he is the deputy leader.

Salim Mvurya has long been an ally of the deputy president, having been instrumental in the success of Msambweni MP, Faisal Bader.

Meanwhile, Deputy President William Ruto hosted a section of legislators at his Karen home where they had paid him a courtesy call.

The leaders were; Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Faisal Bader (Msambweni), former Senator of Mombasa County Hassan Omar, Lamu senator Anwar Loitiptip, among others.

The battle for the split coast vote will be determined by the anticipated unity of the ODM strong hold.

The coast party is expected to be launched in June 2021.

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