UN Security Council Extends Somali Sanctions

UN the Security Council Monday adopted resolution 2607 (2021) extending the 751 Somalia sanctions regime for one year with votive of 13-2 as Russia and China abstaining.

 The resolution shifts the focus from Somalia sanctions to Al-Shabaab/Somalia sanctions, by clearly underscoring the threat of terrorism posed by the Al-Qaeda linked group.

By seeking and voting for these changes, Kenya expressed her continuing support of efforts to degrade the capacity of al-shabaab to undertake its dangerous activities in the region.

The assailants, responsible for numerous attacks against the government, have been illegally exploitating Somali’s financial system to generate illegal revenue for terrorism financing.

The resolution shifts the focus from Somalia sanctions to al-shabaab/Somalia sanctions in that it contends that the state-building project in Somalia has been exploited by terrorist groups including Al-Shabaab and therefore sustained progress needs to be made in that regard.

*This article was written by Henry Kimoli for Uzalendo News.  Email: uzalendonews24@gmail.com to submit your story.


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