Chinese Pop Star Kris Wu To Serve 13-year Jailterm

A Chinese court has sentenced Chinese Canadian pop artist Kris Wu to 13 years in jail for a variety of offences, including rape.

Wu was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison for a 2020 rape and one year and ten months in prison for the “crime of collecting a crowd to indulge in sexual promiscuity” in a 2018 event in which he and others reportedly raped two drunken women.

According to the court, the three victims in the rape case were likewise inebriated and unable to agree.

It stated that a total 13-year sentence had been agreed upon, and Wu would be deported immediately after serving his term.

“The court rendered the aforementioned verdict based on the facts… the type, circumstances, and negative repercussions of the offense,” the court stated in an online statement.

Wu was also fined 600 million yuan ($83.7 million) for tax evasion by grossly underreporting his profits from concerts, ads, and other sources.

Rape is punishable in China by three to ten years in jail, with heavier punishments of up to death in extreme situations.