Drama befell renowned city Bishop, David Muriithi of the House of Grace church who was taken to court for being a deadbeat father.
His baby Mama JM told the court that the man of God started an extra-marital affair back in 2018 that resulted in the birth of her 2year old son in January 2019.
The bishop is said to have received the pregnancy news well and supported the baby mama during the journey.
He allegedly cut all communication with the son’s mother after his birth and left the lady to singlehandedly raise the child.
The lady is demanding Ksh. 20000 monthly upkeep for food and shopping, Ksh. 35000 for rent, Ksh. 11000 for clothing and Ksh. 10000 for household.
She also laid extra demands for her salon fees, entertainment, and other utilities including toys.
Murithi has already been served and is expected to appear in court on the 25th day of August 2021.
*This article was written by Ivyonne Kwamboka for Uzalendo News. Email: uzalendonews@gmail.com for News tips and Inquiries.