Artists, including musicians and comedians have been the most affected by the government measures with social and entertainment gatherings banned for the better part of the last year. -By Sharon Maina.
On Friday, President Kenyatta banned political and social gatherings for 30 days in a raft of measures he said will help reduce the third wave of Covid-19 infections in the country.
That announcement did not please Dj Pierra, as her Park and Chill, a drive-in social event where revelers get to party at the comfort of their cars was cancelled.
Dj Pierra wrote a letter to the president on her social media, asking him to reconsider some of his measures as her event adhered to Covid-19 guidelines set by the Ministry of Health.
“Mr President. We keep social distancing whilst in our cars. Just like restaurants we close at.8:15pm we have observed all the Covid-19 guidelines given to us. Why cancel us? I know I can never reach you face to face, but somehow this might get to you. I deeply believe there is a misinterpretation of your speech. Please help!!,” she wrote.
“Dear Mr. President. It’s a sad day for me as an entertainer in this country. This Covid-19 is taking a toll on us. We.were denied anything that could make us earn a genuine living. But we didn’t give up coz we believe it’s for our good. We have now learnt a new way to fit in the new normal! As creatives, we have come up with ideas. Park and chill is an okay event” she added.