By Father John Nzemia
13th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 27-6-2021 “ If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.”(Mark:5:28).
Imitating God who pursues human beings everywhere to save their imperishable life and following the example of Christ who went about delivering people from all ills, Christians should seek after those who are falling sideways in society.
In the first reading we are reminded that God never intended for anyone of us to endure suffering in any of its forms or experience death .All of us were meant to share fully in the love of God. We were created in the image and likeness of God. Our calling is to enjoy eternal life in God’s presence.
The created world guides us along the path of life as long as long as see creation for what it is and it will always remain a beautiful gift of God for us. God did not make death ,and does not delight in the death of the living. For He created all things so that they might exist .
We must not forget that God is all good and perfect ,and no sin can exist in His presence. In the second reading ,St. Paul reminds us how Jesus ,rich he was became poor for our sake ,to make them all rich out of his poverty. Paul encourages the Christians to share whatever they have they can spare for their poor brothers and sisters.
He teaches that their collection as a grace from God ,He says that sharing with others and giving genuinely with grater love we ourselves can hope to be treated in the same way in our own hour of need. In the gospel, faith brings new life to the synagogue Official’s daughter and restored health to a woman who was suffering for twelve years. She only touched the garments of Jesus and She was healed. Jairus pleaded with Jesus to come and heal his sick daughter who was seriously ill .They had faith that Jesus had great power to cure all illness.
They kept faith in the Lord and trusted in the Lord ,and God showed them and everyone ,that they are to trust in Him and put their faith in Him and not on other things .He has healed something that was considered incurable the woman suffered for twelve years and did something that was considered impossible ,in resurrecting a dead girl back into life ,showing that he is truly the lord and master of all ,Lord over life and death. Woman’s faith helped her to persist in effort to reach Jesus, she believed that if she touches the cloak of Jesus she would be enough for her to be healed and she was healed.
We are called to persist in faith to reach Jesus through prayer we would be cured all sorts of sickness. Let us all turn ourselves wholeheartedly towards the Lord and seek Him with renewed commitment and conviction.
Father Nzemia is attached to Saika Parish, Machakos Diocese