Hamissa Mobetto a model based in Tanzania and also an entrepreneur has threatened to take legal action against Kajala. This comes after her daughter Paula Kajala was seen in a video that went viral on social media of her and Rayvanny wasted and kissing each other with the girl only being 19 years old.
According to Hamisssa Paula was the one who requested to go out with her and not the other way around as she perceives things to be.
Kajala came out claiming that Hamissa introduced her daughter to Rayvanny and that also she was given alcohol and she was also not in her right mind when taking the video.
Hamissa went on to tell Kajala that: “ I have a brand and it should be respected, I am a mother and I am also someone’s’ child .you’ll hear from my lawyer rest assured I will not let this pass just like that. It will be a good lesson to those who have been trashing my name . “ wrote Hamissa.