Any moment from today, President Uhuru Kenyatta is scheduled to address the nation concerning the state of the nation, and the impact of COVID-19. – By Gerald Gekara
During his last address, the President said that the country’s ability to reopen the econmomy will solely depend on the behaviour of Kenyans in response to Ministry of Health directives.
“Some, including myself, wanted to open up now. That was, and is still my desire. I want to open up at the earliest opportunity and get the economy going. More so, as Kenya was ranked the third largest economy in Sub-Sahara Africa this week.” said Uhuru.
Many Kenyans, who have been struggling under the weight of the restrictions, hope that the government will lift the restrictions while others remain firm that the government should not do so due to the pandemic’s threat.
However, the last two months have seen the re-introduction of religious worship, reduction of curfew times as well as reopening of the skies for international travel.
The ‘failed’ 2020 school year
Of most importance rather, is the resumption of the school calendar which had been suspended till January 2021.
While quoting the inability of chuldren to follow COVID-19 directives, and subseqwuent lack of facilities to host huge learners in classes, Prof. George Magoha surrendered the authority to reopen education centers to the president.
Despite these short comings, Parents have taken to court protesting the decision to ditch the school calendar.
After a successful application to thwart the Community based learning programme, the Education and Health ministries have been requested to lay down guidelines that will see a possible earlier resumption of the school calendar.