Kilifi Anti-Terror Squad — Everything You Need To Know About Them

Kilifi County has trained its enforcement officers to detect and terrorists and other bad elements within the society in a bid to address cases of violent terrorism in the region. – By Ramadhan Kambi.

The training was done through the National Counter terrorism center (NCTC) to equip the lads with skills to detect, curb violent extremism and radicalization. 

The training is aimed at enhancing and widening information sharing platform in an effort to curb violent extremism, radicalization in creating awareness and turning the county Askaris into collection and addition sensors on counter terrorism threat and radicalization. 

Head of the training mission Col Harun Rashid from the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) said the training focused on radicalization agenda and global effects, sensor programs, cyber security and tackling terror. 

“This is very essential to any security agent and especially these times when the country is working tirelessly to defeat violent extremism and radicalization. We will be coming with more intensive training which will involve the National Police Service (NPS) and all other multi agency security teams, said Col Rashid. 

Kilifi County officer in charge of devolution Adan Mohamed said the county lying at the coastal region is likely to be exposed to the violent extremism and radicalization hence the training is a significant agenda for the enforcement officers at the county. 

“It is therefore very important for us as a county to prepare beef up our enforcement as a measure to assist them in case such cases occur in their line of duty,” he said. 

He further said that the department is also planning to train more enforcement staffs in the county as a way of creating preparedness and enhancing the county security. 

“We are ready to work closely with the other security agents to ensure that security levels in the county are of quality standards; he also called for cooperation between national and county security agents,” he added. 

County Devolution Executive Prof Gabriel Katana said that the training is very significant to all security agents and in addressing anti-terror threats. 

Therefore, the county government will set clear plans to see the training benefit not only the enforcement but every county staff,” he said during the closing of the training at Kilifi Bay hotel in Kilifi town.