The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has opened its enrolment portal for 2024 KCSE candidates, providing them with the opportunity to attend Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs), medical schools, and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. The portal, which launched on January 24, will be open until February 14, 2025, allowing students who did not receive a C+ or higher to apply for courses at these institutions.
This timely move by KUCCPS will allow students to secure placements for the March and May intakes, which is significantly earlier than in previous years, when admissions typically began in August. The portal is specifically aimed at students seeking direct entry into TVET and medical training, as well as previous KCSE candidates from 2000 to 2024.
KUCCPS CEO Agness Wahome explained that this year’s phased application process, which begins with KMTC and TVETs, is intended to accommodate students in the early intakes. Universities and TTCs typically admit students late in the year, whereas medical and technical colleges begin in the first half of the year. This new approach is expected to accelerate students’ transition to higher education.
Students are encouraged to apply to institutions near their homes to save money. Those applying for degree programs or TTCs will have to wait for further announcements about application deadlines. Furthermore, students who retake their exams in July will be able to apply with their improved grades for the September intake.
KUCCPS has also announced that a nationwide exercise will be held to assist applicants across the country. Of the 962,512 candidates who took the 2024 KCSE, 246,391 scored C+ or higher, qualifying for direct university admission. The remaining 605,774 students are likely to apply for TVET programs.