Linturi’s Lawyer says There was No Wedding Ceremony but an Engagement Ceremony between Kaitany and Linturi

BY PRUDENCE WANZA – Senetor Mithika Linturi’s lawyer Muthomi Thiankolu has told the court that there was no wedding ceremony between Linturi and Marianne Kitany but it was an engagement ceremony that took place.

This was during Marianne Kitany’s cross examination on the fourth day of the divorce proceedings.
Muthomi showed the court a document tilted Engagement Invitation which is alleged to have been used to invite guests at the event.

The lawyer went on to tell the court that there was a difference between an engagement and a marriage and that the two can not be the same.

However Kitany told the court that the invitation card also indicated that it was going to be a ‘Koitoo’ ceremony which according to the Nandi culture meant a wedding ceremony.

Muthomi went on to tell the court that Kitany lied when she told the court that they were married under the Nandi and Meru customary laws.The lawyer said that is the reason why witnesses are not coming to testify because she lied about the marriage taking place under Meru customary laws.

Kitany defended herself saying that if indeed she was lying the witnesses should have come to court and said she was lying.
Kitany went ahead to tell the court that witnesses from Meru have been threatened not to testify in court.

She revealed that the master of ceremony during their wedding has also been threatened not to testify in court and that she has put an affidavit in court to show that the two witnesses have been threatened.

Linturi’s lawyer also accused Kitany of lying to the court saying that there was a lot of inconsistency in what she told the court regarding the dates of their wedding ceremony.

According to Kitany the ceremony took place on 26th March,2016 while Muthomi told the court that she filed documents in court saying that she got married on 16th April, 2016. 

However Kitany told the court that she did not write that particular part of the document and that the lawyer should stick to the amended document in his line of questioning.

During the cross examination Kitany told the court that Linturi stole title deeds of properties belonging to his relatives and charged them in a bank without her permission and secured loans with them fraudulently through forging signatures.

Muthomi went ahead to question Kitany by asking her if she was aware that the exchange of miraa under the Meru customary laws does not indicate a  union or perceived as a symbol of marriage. Kitany responded by saying that it is only a witness in the matter who is an expert on customary laws that can answer that.

Kitany was also questioned on how she was able to build the properties she claimed to have paid more than 26million and she stated that she had her own savings from her previous jobs way before she joined the Deputy President’s office.

The divorce hearing is expected to continue tomorrow with more witnesses lined up to testify in the matter.