Maina Kamanda: A Shrewd Master of Succession Politics?

Maina Kamanda alongside The Deputy President William Ruto | PHOTO COURTESY

Is William Maina Kamanda a shrewd a master of succession politics or a Kikuyu nation chauvinist king?

In 2000, Kamanda was charged with treason after he allegedly called for the shooting of then-President Daniel Arap Moi after some KANU hawks demanded a constitutional change to allow Moi to view for a third term after the expiry of his term then ending in 2002.

Kamanda was then the DP MP for Starehe and then Mwai Kibaki’s chief strategy in Nairobi. Kamanda was frustrated after Kibaki was shadow boxed by Moi and Langata MP Raila Odinga who had fone his first political handshake after losing the 1997 election.

Now the boot is on the other foot. Kamanda is now the defacto Kieleweke General, the political vehicle that is blocking DP Ruto from succeeding President Uhuru.

For starters, Kamanda was born in Muranga and claims allegiance to the county. He is the force and the strategist behind the arrest of Kiharu Mp Ndindi Nyoro.

So why is he opposed to a Ruto Presidency? Kamanda was angry with Ruto after he lost the Starehe seat to a musician turned rookie politician, Jaguar.
To date, Kamanda sees Ruto as the hand that swept him off Starehe.
In the Kibra by-election, Kamanda is rooting for ODM against his own party to preserve the handshake.

Never mind Kamanda and Raila have political battles since 2002. Politics in Kenya never ceases to amaze.