Met Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu daugher Lunde Indeche

Lunde Indeche is daughter to Kitui governor Charity Ngilu and also a professional lady who pursued science of engineering from Leeds University. She a very bright lady by the fact that she did electrical engineering a profession most ladies have not dared to venture into.

Lunde Indeche is a cool lady determined and focused on positive things that can add value to her life. Her focus has mainly been on her two kids to ensure she gives them the very best moving into the future for they are her everything.

Lunde Indeche is also a business woman focused more into the business world. She has ensured her kids attain the best they can moving into the future without failure as really that’s the goal of every mother. She has also been sort of Motivational speaker ensuring she mentors young girls especially those in school to focus more on education as it’s the pillar of everything.

Much personal details about Lunde Indeche however remains scanty and largely off public limelight for she is herself not a public figure like her mother. She has focused into the corporate world as opposed to politics which seemingly she doesn’t like or has no interest into.