Engineer David Muchilwa has been appointed the acting Director General of KeNHA. – By Henry Kimoli
Muchilwa, a KeNHA veteran and son of former Assistant Minister Sheldon Muchilwa takes over from Engineer Peter Mundinia who has proceeded on leave pending retirement.
Prior to the appointment, he was
the Director of Special Projects since 2013.
Eng. Muchilwa is credited with leading key projects such as the Dongo Kundu by pass, Kitui Kibwezi Road, the Isiolo Moyale Road and the ongoing Nairobi Express Way.
He is the Engineer who oversaw the construction of Bara Bara plaza, KeNHA headquarters.
The soft spoken technocrat was a key player in the administration of Mundinia and the first DG Engineer Meshack Kidenda.
Muchilwa is expected to be one of the candidates to substantively fill the position once its advertised.
Others are Engineer Charles Obuon, Kungu Ndungu, Peter Onalo and KeRRA DG Kandie.
This being a political year, and with a budget of more than Sh.180billion to expense, lobbying for the position will be intense.
Also being mentioned is Engineer Kifyoto, Engineer Makoli, Engineer Odek and Engineer Omer.
KeNHA Chairman Engineer Wangai Ndirangu has already advertised the position.
It will appear in the Government My Gov Publication this week.
Wangai thanked Mundinia for the sterling job he has done in the organization in a communique to staff.
Engineer Mundinia is credited for the reorganization and prudent management of KeNHA.
Mundinia delivered the Government infrastructure agenda for the last six years.
He is the father of Performance Based Contracts in Road maintenance that eliminated the pothole menace in Kenya.
He brought about PBC on Road Mgt which has improved on maintenance of the road network in the Country.
He enhanced discipline in Axle Load Compliance through fixed and Virtual weighbridge in the country.
He took over from Kidenda who established the authority from inception in 2007.
Kidenda is now a director at NTSA and chairs the Board of Kisumu University.