Nadia Mukami wins an award at the Zuri awards 2021

Songbird Nadia Mukami has been crowed winner at the Financecategory at the Zuri awards which have just come to an end. 

Nadia being thankful she went to share the good news with here Instagram fans saying that she was really grateful for getting her first co-operate award through her initiative called #financial discipline journey ..

This initiative was a movement that was aimed at illuminating the saving culture among the young people.

“My first co-operate award thank you for making my initiativesuccessful this award means the world to me!! I am just a representative, I met some amazing powerful women today who challenged me and I am looking forward to some impactful partnerships.

Thank you Zuri awards happy international women day!! This is for every woman impacting the community.

The Zuri awards are meant to celebrate women who are shaping the society for the better, this year’s awards were hosted by Victoria Rubadiri in the presence of Rachel Shebesh as the guest of honor