Police Recover Stolen Livestock, Firearms In Bandit Areas

In a series of gains in the fight against banditry that led to the successful recovery of an AK 47 rifle and stolen livestock, the National Police Service continues to escalate efforts intended to decimate illegal activities in all affected areas.

According to NPS, Multi-agency security teams intensified patrols in identified hotspots in Kapedo, Lokori, Lonyek, Churo, Nginyang, Marich Pass, Loruk and parts of Isiolo Counties.

“Following a reported incident of stock theft at Ombolion area in Lorogon yesterday, ASTU and GSU teams pursued 20 armed suspects who had made away with a stolen herd of cattle. The bandits, in their attempt to lay an ambush attack on advancing security officers, were overpowered and all the 70 heads of cattle and 150 goats recovered,” the NPS said.

Elsewhere, during an intelligence-led operation in Kainuk, Turkana County, security officers raided the home of Gedion Angala Emojong, a suspected mastermind of a spate of banditry activities and recovered 20 suspected stolen goats and an AK-47 rifle loaded with two rounds of ammunition.

In Kaptir Location, Turkana, security teams engaged 6 armed bandits who had raided Lokwaal village of Kaptir ward and recovered 34 goats that had previously been reported stolen by bandits.

Sadly, the unfortunate attack by bandits left one person fatally.

Similar efforts were witnessed in Garbatula, Isiolo County as GSU officers stationed at Kinisa pursued bandits and recovered 200 camels and 300 goats.

The NPS noted that the heightened security operation will continue in banditry-prone areas across the country in efforts to install sustainable peace and coexistence between communities.