Posta signs MOU to deliver Passports to Kenyans directly

Postal Corporation of Kenya and the Immigration Department of Kenya have entered into an agreement to have passports delivered to applicants. – By Gerald Gekara

Post-Master General Dan Kagwe and Director-General Alexander Muteshi signed the Memorandum of Understanding to have Posta deliver passports directly to applicants.

According to the Immigration Department, the program will be operational from 1st August 2020 and is currently on the pilot stage.

“Through the initiative, passport applicants will not have to visit our offices to pick ready passports. This will significantly save time for applicants, reduce congestion in our offices, and help in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.”

Ministry of Transport announced the resumption of International travel scheduled on 1st. August. However, travelers raised issue over possible congestion at the immigration offices.