Jalang’o Employee Demands Sh 5m From Sauti Sol Member

Written By John Mutiso  📝

ODM Lang’ata parliamentary candidate Felix Odiwour alias Jalang’o’s farmhand, Morris Litiema, now wants Sauti Sol’s Bien Baraza to pay him Sh5 million and apologize for using his image without permission.

Bien used a meme to mock ODM leader Raila Odinga’s supporters who were unsubscribing from the group’s YouTube channel after a squabble over the use of the band’s song, Extravaganza, at an ODM function without permission.

He had taken to his social media to post a meme of a man who is in a bedsitter with the caption;

“I am unsubscribing @Sautisol chilling in the crib.”

Afterwards, Litiema came out claiming to be the man in the photo.

In response to the photo, Litiema stated that he was experiencing mental anguish as a result of public trolling after the photo went viral.

“To my dear brother Bien, it was out of order to use my image without my consent. I have received negative criticism from different persons claiming that I don’t support local artists. Let it be known that I have never unsubscribed or unfollowed your YouTube or any social media account,” Litiema said.

He then revealed that he wanted an apology and compensation for all the emotional damage he had endured.

“The people are abusing me hence it is causing emotional damage. The photo is humiliating me. I just want them to call me so that we can talk, I demand an apology and compensation of Sh5 million. That will be for using my image without my consent and for the trolling I have gone through. I won’t stop listening to Sauti Sol.”

Bien has since removed the photo, but he hasn’t yet apologized to Litiema.

Sauti Sol picked up a fight with Raila’s supporters at the beginning of the week when their song, Extravaganza was played during the unveiling of Martha Karua as the Azimio la Umoja presidential election running mate.

They threatened to sue the former Prime Minister for using their song without permission.

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