Shock As Kenyans ‘Forcefully’ Registered into political Parties

On Saturday, Kenyans protested the widespread listing of their names as members of political parties without their knowledge or agreement.

The protests were directed at the office of the Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu, who Kenyans sought to remove because they were concerned about how political parties acquired access to their personal information and whether it would be used for harmful or ulterior motives.

The Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu, responded to the outcry by stating that the listing was part of a pilot phase for the integrated political parties administration system on the e-citizen platform.

“Parties have the freedom to recruit members, and sometimes individuals forget they registered,” Anne Nderitu remarked on Saturday.

She added that the issues identified will be resolved after the process was completed.

Nderitu claimed that they were conducting an audit of political party membership registers in preparation for the General Election next year.

She added that the goal of cleaning it up to reflect the situation on the ground, and that the audit would be completed by the end of the year.