Sarah Mitchelotti is calling out on people spreading false stories about her relationship and that of Harmonize whom they have been together for years – By Stephanie Mwangi.
She said she will not be pushed to the wall because of false rumors going around about her life and that of Harmonize and she will not be defined by her love choices and adoration of her second home Tanzania.
Their relationship started to have complications early December after Harmonize posted a picture of a girl Zuleika and claimed that she was his daughter. Whom he sired with another woman.
“I am surprised by what is going on in social media about me and Harmonize I wonder why people are spreading fake news. We are humans and we do have miss understandings but I cannot take situations for granted because I am not as cheap as people think we have been together for four years and there has never been any controversy.
If there is anyone using this situation to benefit themselves should stop. Sarah responding to the claims that he fathered Zuleika she said it was a lie because she tried getting pregnant two times with him and he couldn’t do it she even had DVA test results from Lancet laboratories in Tanzania and the results came back negative showing that he was not the father to the young girl and that he could also not get Sarah pregnant
And now he is claiming he is the father of this young girl. I loved you for the person I thought you were I gave you all the happiness which you failed to reciprocate
You are two faced you didn’t even appreciate what I did for you and now it’s too late ,life will teach you the lessons you deserve for what you have done and now I will be focusing on my life