Sunday Christians — A Disgrace To The Cross

By George Kimando


This Sunday fifty two weeks ago, the Roman Calendar definition of a year, what started as random thoughts of a writer with a purpose has morphed to a weekly online column with an ardent followership and brethrenship: the SUNDAY MISSIVE.

An edition has never missed, every Sunday. I thank God. It started off as a Facebook page column, spread into certain blogs, and today transcends numerous Whatsapp platforms with thousands of readers and commensurate feedback.

Numerous times, i have gotten forwards from individuals and groups of the same column i dispatched a few hours earlier, much to my amusement. I love it; my purpose is served.

A number of times, i have received proposals by major dailies wishing to run the weekly column on their Sunday editions. Talks are still underway, and am not being political about that.

I remember telling one of the callers that i don’t mind giving it for free (in any case i do it online for free every Sunday); what has been important to me is an unhindered introspection of our profession of The Faith in a candid and pragmatic manner.

Never in history has The Faith in God faced such monumentous challenges like now. The disconnect between the message of God and the messenger of the same has never been greater.

The questioning of God and His very existence has never faced such spirited vehemence like now, especially from our restless youth seeking answers to the meaning of their very existence.

What of the increased social strife? The convoluted Church? The rising violence in families across genders? The worrying suicides and homicides in known relatively stable unions and families? The increased cases of divorces and break ups amongst believers?

What of the state of the Church? Where is Christ when the Church He founded is crumbling in the face of changed socio-economic upheavals? Where is the True Church? Is there even a True Church any more?

These are some of the answers the Sunday Missive seeks in creating a well balanced body of believers that transcends socio-economic and religious boundaries.

It has transformed into issues surrounding believers and the day to day lifestyles that encompass the believer.

Am i a Christian only on Sundays when i attend collective worship? Am I a Priest only when i minister? Is my believership or Priesthood only apparent in places of worship or in my every day circumstances?

Does my lifestyle reflect my faith in my family (my spouse, children, parents, siblings)? Is God found in the way i interact with that beggar on the street, that fellow colleague – senior or junior – at work, that fellow pedestrian or motorist on the road, that cashier at the supermarket or mama mboga at the market, that teacher who spends time with my children in school or that fellow neighbour in the estate…that neighbour in my every day interaction?

We continue to introspect our very humanity, away from dictates and shades of religion, colour, ethnicity, creed, socio-economic disparities and any differences made up by circumstances and norms in the course of history and civilizations, and just look at us, the base human person.

After all, we all share a common assured origin and destiny. What matters is the in between, and what we do with it.

Make yours count this Sunday, and have a great week ahead.
