Drama unfolded at a police station in Mwea-West, Kirinyaga County, after the family of a woman who was allegedly murdered by her Ugandan shamba boy (farmhand) were informed that the murder suspect had escaped from custody.
The family of the late Rose Muthoni Kariuki, 64, was shocked when they were told by officers at Kiamaciri Police Station that the farmhand had somehow managed to escape from the facility under unclear circumstances.
The family, led by Caroline Wangui – the daughter of the deceased, could not fathom how the suspect managed to escape.
“I want justice and the suspect rearrested. I used my own money to see the suspect brought here from Uganda, right now they have released him,” Wangui said amid cries.
The suspect — accused of the brutal murder of Muthoni at Kombuini village in November 2023 — was arrested on May 19, 2024, after nearly seven months of being on the run.
He was arrested in his home country after detectives tracked down his mobile phone number. He was then whisked off to Kirinyaga where he committed the office.
The suspect had been arraigned before a court that ordered for his detention at the police station for 14 days, only for him to disappear mysteriously.
Esther Wamuyu, a relative of the deceased, wondered how a suspect could escape from a guarded police station.
Kirinyaga County Investigating Officer (CIC) Jason Mworia, who is currently off duty over family issues, said two police officers who were on duty have already been arrested to assist in investigations.
Preliminary investigations have revealed that the woman was strangled to death. Her body was found inside her house with blood oozing from the mouth and nose.
She also had bruises on the neck.
At the time of her brutal death, the woman was living alone in her home, as all her children were employed in different places.