President Uhuru Kenyatta has ordered the extension of the nationwide 10pm to 4am curfew as part of the measures to strengthen the fight against COVID-19. – By Gerald Gekara.
In an eagerly awaited Presidential address, President Uhuru justified the extension to expert opinion, over the rising positivity rates experienced recently.
Uhuru also ordered a strict ban on all political gatherings for 30 days. He further said those found contravening the ban will be dealt with according to the law.
Uhuru further announced a roll back of regulations on church sessions, allowing only a third of the building’s capacity.
Burials and intermittent services have also been restricted to close family members, restricting crowds to 100 people.
However, President Uhuru lauded a sense of civic responsibility among Kenyans urging citizens to be their brothers’ keeper.
An additional 100,000 doses of COVID-19 were delivered through by the government of India, to boost Kenya’s vaccine program.
Uhuru urged Kenyans to sign up for the vaccine, but made clear that the jab will be voluntary to all.