FULL LIST: President Uhuru Appoints New Ambassadors

President Uhuru Kenyatta has named 24 new ambassadors and high commissioners to lead Kenya’s overseas missions. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Friday that the President had also appointed 7 new Ambassadors to serve as Deputy Heads of Mission and 4 officials to the position of Consul-General. 

Former ICT Permanent Secretary Bitange Ndemo and Nyeri Deputy Governor Dr. Caroline Karugu, who have been appointed as Kenyan Ambassadors to Belgium and Denmark respectively, are among the notable names on the list of appointments made 108 days before the General Election. 

Michael Sialai, the Clerk of the National Assembly, has also been named Kenya’s High Commissioner to the Republic of Namibia.

The newly appointed Ambassadors and High Commissioners (Heads of Mission) are:

1. Mr. Clement Nzomo – Ambassador of the Republic of Angola

2. Ms Mary Mogwanja – Ambassador to the Republic of Austria

3. Prof. Bitage Ndemo – Ambassador to the Kingdome of Belgium

4. Ms Muthoni Gichohi – Ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China

5. Amb. Gathoga Chege – Ambassador to the Republic of Cuba

6. Dr. Caroline Wanjiru Karugu – Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark

7. Amb. Salim Salim Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti

8. Maj Gen A.G. Matiiri – Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt

9. Amb. Galma Baru – Ambassador to Me Republic of Indonesia

10. Amb. Paul Ndung’u – Ambassador to the Republic of Mozambique

11. Mr. Michael Sialai – High Commissioner to the Republic of Namibia

12. Maj Gen Andrew Ikenye – High Commissioner to the Federal Republic of Nigeria

13. Ms Margaret Shave – Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

14. Ms Amina Abdalla – Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman

15. Amb. Nyambura Kamau – High Commissioner to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

16. Mr. Boniface N Mwilu – Ambassador to the State of Qatar

17. Amb. Diana Kiambuthi – High Commissioner to the Republic of Rwanda

18. Amb. Michael Oyugi – Ambassador to the Kingdom or Spain

19. Maj Gn (Rtd) Thomas Chepkuto – Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia

20. Amb. Isaac Njenga – High Commissioner to the United Republic of Tanzania

21. Mr. Leonard Boiyo – Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey

22. Maj Gen(Rtd) George Owinow – High Commissioner to the Republic of Uganda

23. Prof Richard Bosire – Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

24. Maj Gen (Rtd) Charles Gituai – Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the Inter-Government Authority for Development (IGAD)

The Newly appointed Ambassadors and Deputy Heads of Missions are:

1. Ms Hariet Nduma- Kenya Embassy Vienna, Austria

2. Mr Dennis Makobu -Kenya Embassy Brussels, Begium

3. Mr Edwin Afande – Kenya Embassy Beijing, China

4. Mr George Kwanya – Kenya Embassy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

5. Mr Sammy Nyule Ngumbao – Kenya Embassy Tokyo

6. Ms Jane Sirindi Githinji- Kenya Embassy Mosco, Russia

The Consuls-General are:

1. Mr Dennis Mburu-Kenya Consulate Arusha, Tanzania 

2. Dennis Waweru – Kenya Consulate Goma, Democaratic Republic of Congo

3. Benson Mwaliko – Kenya Consulate Hargesia, Somaliland

4. Tomas Kwaka Omolo – Kenya Consulate United States of America.

The Ambassador and special Envoy for Maritime na and Blue Economy is Mrs Nancy Karigithu

The Foreign Service Officers promoted to the rank of Ambassadors at the Ministry’s Headquarters are:

1. Mr Fredrick Matwang’a

2. Mr Phillip Githiora

3. Ms Betty Cherwon

4. Mrs Angeline Musili

5. Ms Peris Kariuki

6. Mr Yabesh Monari