Zimbabwe To Roll Out Free Primary Education

As part of the government’s efforts to ensure that everyone has access to education, Zimbabwe will implement a phased free primary education policy beginning next year. 

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said during the Independence Day celebrations that the government will continue to promote the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects in schools. 

Prior to the country’s independence in 1980, access to education was heavily skewed along racial lines. 

Soon after independence, the government sought to rectify this by declaring education a basic human right and amending the constitution to recognize free and compulsory primary and secondary public education.

The literacy rate in this southern African country has risen to over 90%, making it one of the highest in Africa. 

All goods and services were priced at market value after the Structural Adjustment Program of 1992, and education was no longer free. As a result, many families are finding it increasingly difficult to pay school fees. 

Zimbabwe’s education system includes 13 years of compulsory primary and secondary schooling.

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