19-Year-Old Thug Killed By Mob In Kayole

Kayole residents today pounced on Joshua Mutuko, a 19-year-old notorious housebreaker who was killed by mob justice after being discovered on the third floor of a house in Kayole One.

A resident who had gone to the washroom returned to the house and found John, who had just entered the house, leaving with her television, and he immediately scared him with a long kitchen knife.

The woman who screamed for help drew the attention of the mob, who helped by beating John to death.

They have reviewed that school-going children have turned to daylight robbers and house breakers which scares them most.

The deceased’s father, who refused to be recorded, said that he had a plan to take the boy to NYS as he had just finished form 4 and results were still pending.

He, however, revealed to having knowledge of his son’s deeds, which he had tried to talk his son out of, but it had not yielded results.

Police also rescued three other suspects from mob justice in the Matopeni area after they were caught stealing from pedestrians.