278K Students Selected For University; KUCCPS Says Education Most Popular Degree

278,006 students have been placed in various public and private universities across the country by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS).

220,684 students were placed in public universities whereas 57,322 will join private universities.

KUCCPS CEO Agnes Mercy Wahome announced that 17,005 students will join technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and another 733,063 will join Ministry of Education (MoE) TVET institutions.

19752 students were placed in private TVET institutions. 11,598 students have applied for diplomas in primary teaching education while 2,210 others, to pursue diplomas in secondary teaching education.

17,172 students nationwide have been placed across the 71 Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) campuses.

76.2 per cent of the students who attained C+ and above will pursue degree courses whereas the remainder will pursue diplomas.

“Bachelor of Education attracted the highest number of applicants and male applicants continued to dominate placement to degree programmes, sustaining a trend that has been observed since the beginning of the central placement system,” she noted.