KBC Director Petitions IEBC Over Election Candidates

Written By John Mutiso  📝

The Notable National Youth Leaders Caucus (NNYLC) has urged the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), and Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to ensure that those who hold public office are chosen on the basis of personal integrity, competence, and suitability.

In a statement issued by the NNYLC to media houses, Alex Matere states that those seeking public office must pass the leadership and integrity test, and act in a way that brings honor and dignity to the office both in public and private as well as promote public confidence.

“That we have observed that some with unparalleled mastery in con artistry, scammers, fraudsters drug dealers, murderers, snake oil salesmen and social misfits have mutated to political aspirants with a clear chance to public office in the coming election. That if something is not done then the ballot paper will look like a criminal charge sheet complete with mugshots,” reads the statement.

The NNYLC further noted that those who have previously held public office and propagated incorrigible corruption and impunity, abused the public offices that they occupied bringing disrepute, ignominy and opprobrium have too declared interest in the upcoming elections in violation to the law.

“Sadly, the list also includes those who have been dismissed or removed from public office for contravening the provisions of Articles 75, 76, 77 and 78 of the Constitution,” the statement reads further.

As per the Constitution, the organization now wants the IEBC, EACC and DCI to bar any person of unsound mind and also those with shadowy academic history falling short of the basic minimum and others with fake academic papers from contesting for any political seat.

“NNYLC calls upon primary vetting agencies namely the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to bar such candidates.”

It also urged Kenyans to be steadfast in protecting and safeguarding the democratic and governance gains made, lest they hand over control of our country to the mafia.

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