Armed Raiders Rob Tourists During Game Drive 

A video has emerged online depicting what appears to be a daytime robbery of tourists on a Samburu game drive by armed robbers.

The alleged raiders’ faces are not visible in the undated video, but they can be heard asking the tour guide for money.

“Kwa nini hawa wazungu hawana pesa?” one of the raiders asks.

The guide then informs him that they carry credit cards as cash.

He explains that the money can only be obtained after inserting the card into an automated teller machine (ATM).

The guide then informs him that all of his colleagues’ cards, including his own, have been confiscated.

“Hii ni wallet haina pesa ndugu yangu, hizo ni makaratasi zimechukuliwa uliza hata huyu,” the guide explained after they started frisking him.

The tourist van in the video has all of its doors open, and at one point, one of the raiders attempted to start the engine but was advised not to because it was engaged in gear by the tour guide.

In the one-minute 51-second clip, the raiders make it clear that they are not out to harm or kill anyone, all they want is cash.

“We are looking for the money, we are not looking for the people,” the assailant says in English.

“Thank you very much, tafadhali, msituue,” responded the tour guide.

One of the assailants then promises him that they will not kill anyone in the convoy.

The guide continues to discreetly record the raiders as they reassure the tourists that they are in good hands.

“Just tell them that we are not looking for them, we are looking for the money,” the raider, who has been engaging the guide all the while said.

And as they made their leave after the robbery, the guide made a desperate plea for them to leave him with at least Sh2,000.

“Na hamutaniachia hata shilingi alfu mbili pekee yake? he asks but gets no response.

They locked the doors and left.