Dj Evolve Shooting: Bullet Mismatch Shocks Court

Babu Owino at the Milimani Court PHOTO BY CYRUS KIMANGA/ UZALENDO NEWS

Forensic examiner in Babu Owino Misuse of Firearm case has told Court that he could not make a conclusive Opinion on whether the bullet that shot DJ Evolve was fired from Owino’s pistol.

Inspector Ruben Bett appearing before Magistrate Bernard Ochoi at Milimani Law courts said that the fired bullet in caliber 9mm bore six identifiable LEAS.

According to the Forensic expert, although the fired bullet bore land engraved areas similar (LEAS) to those of the other bullets tested from Babu Owino’s pistol, he could not make a conclusive opinion on whether it was really fired from Owino’s firearm.

The Embakasi East MP Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino is charged misuse of firearm as well as disorderly behavior while carrying a firearm contrary to the Law.

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