Bonfires, Teargas As Saba Saba Protests Gain Momentum

Bonfires have been lit in various towns including Homa Bay and Kisumu as Saba Saba protests led by the Opposition are gaining momentum across the country.

In parts of Nairobi city, a group of protestors was seen around the former Hilton Hotel.

They were calling on the government to reduce the cost of living.

Several people have been arrested over the same.

In Kisumu, roads have been blocked and fires lit as locals took to the streets to answer Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s call for protest.

Police officers are currently on standby in different areas within the city.

In Mombasa, activists and residents also took to the streets early to protest over the high cost of living.

Police were, however, forced to lob teargas canisters to disperse the activists holding demonstrations in Mombasa.

The activists had on Friday morning carried colourful placards as they chanted, ‘We go! We go!’ before they were dispersed by the police.

Earlier on Friday, reports said that a section of youths in Mathare had blocked the Thika Superhighway and were stoning vehicles.

Videos circulating on Twitter showed multiple vehicles making U-turns.

Police, however, arrived on time and dispersed the youth.

The government has beefed up security across the country and counties believed to be hotspots for violence.

Raila Odinga is expected to lead a rally at the Kamukunji Grounds to launch a signature collection exercise and possibly the second phase of anti-government protests.

His Azimio co-principals will also launch the protests in other parts of the country.

This is part of the opposition’s strategy to have its supporters own up to the resistance from the grassroots and ramp up their pressure against President William Ruto’s administration.