Thugs Steal Gun, Gas Cylinder From Busia Policeman

Suspected burglars broke into police officers' homes in Busia and took a handgun, a gas cylinder, and two radios.

Suspected burglars broke into police officers’ homes in Busia and took a handgun, a gas cylinder, and two radios.

The incident occurred near the Kenya-Uganda border in Milimani Estate.

One of the victims may have been stunned with a spray before being robbed.

On Saturday, about 9:30 p.m., the police officer went home. On Sunday morning, he awoke to find his room in disarray.

He later discovered that his firearm, a Czeska pistol, and 15 rounds of ammo had vanished from his suitcase.

He immediately notified county police, who came on the spot and determined that the robbers broke into the house through the back door after spraying the room with a stupefying narcotic.

According to police, the unknown individuals also broke into another servant quarter belonging to another officer who was not in the house at the time.

A six-kilogram gas cylinder and a radio from the main house were stolen, as was another radio from the servant quarters.