Businessman Allegedly Robbed By Alleged Police Officers On A Search In His Shop

A businessman in Kugitimo trading centre is seeking justice after people alleged to be with police officers from Kurumangucha police post went to search his shop.

According to the wife of the businessman Hellen Mekere, the three policemen dressed in civilian clothes came to his shop after they were dropped off by a motorcyclist and asked for the businessman who was away.

They ordered the wife out of the shop and started searching the shop without even a search warrant and identifying themselves who they were and the intention of the search.

The wife later discovered that they had left with Ksh 360.000, money that they had accrued from the sales of potatoes and others from the same shop.

A witness, Masaga Elijah, said that he identified one of the people as a police officer attached to the Kurumangucha Anti-Stock Theft police post where he works.

He vowed to identify the police officer and help the businessman and his family get justice for the alleged robbery at the shop in broad daylight.

The witness who is also a businessman at the same trading centre said that the wife was ordered by the people to get out of the shop after they asked for his husband and they did give reasons why they wanted the businessman.

Paul Kiangwi, a brother to the businessman, decried the state of the injustice that the officers are alleged to have met in his brother’s shop and wanted actions taken against them.

Chief Lucas Nyamangondi of Nyabasi North location said that according to his investigations the shop is alleged to have been raided by police officers from the Kurumangucha police post and efforts to compel them have not yet born any fruit as they have denied being involved.

He said that the officers were not even sent by any senior police officers and the area police bosses have denied sending any police officers to do a search at the businessman’s shop.

He added that they did even have a search warrant to do the search and no senior police officer from Kuria East had sent them.

The matter has been reported at Kegonga police station and investigations to establish the motive of the raid and loss of cash are still ongoing.