CA Chair Mary Wambui Tax Evasion Case Dropped – VIDEO

Wambui, who was appointed as CA Chairperson by President William Ruto in December 2022, was accused of evading taxes amounting to Ksh2.2 billion tax evasion.

Milimani Anti-Corruption Court has allowed an application by the ODPP to withdraw tax evasion case against Communications Authority(CA) Chairperson Appointee Mary Wambui. 

Magistrate Felix Kombo made the ruling on Tuesday, January 10, following an earlier application by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji seeking to withdraw the case.

The prosecution told the anti-corruption court that KRA together with Ms Wambui and her daughter have concluded negotiations that commenced last year October. 

The two had been charged as directors of Purma Holdings Limited.
Wambui, who was appointed as CA Chairperson by President William Ruto in December 2022, was accused of evading taxes amounting to Ksh2.2 billion tax evasion.