Canadian Woman Who Sent Poison-Laced Letter To Donald Trump Sentenced To 21 Years

Written by Lisa Murimi

Canadian national Pascale Cécile Véronique Ferrier has been handed a significant prison sentence of over 21 years for her involvement in a chilling plot involving ricin-laced letters.

The target of her sinister scheme included former President Donald Trump and law enforcement officials in Texas. Ferrier, who pleaded guilty in January, admitted to crafting and sending the poisonous letters from her residence in Quebec in September 2020.

The letters she dispatched contained a veiled threat of even more potent toxins if her initial attempt failed. One of these letters, addressed to Trump, urged him to withdraw from the 2020 election.

During her sentencing, Ferrier disturbingly portrayed the ricin-laced letters as a “strong warning,” lamenting that her intended message went unheeded by Trump.

U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ultimately sentenced Ferrier to a term of 21.8 years in prison, with deportation being ordered upon completion of her sentence.

This case stands as a stark reminder of the lengths some individuals will go to in order to enact harm, and the severe consequences they face when their actions cross legal and moral boundaries.