Charity Ngilu in trouble for inciting Kamba community

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu. | PHOTO COURTESY

BY FAITH MUTETE – Charity Ngilu, Kitui governor has found herself in trouble over a ‘hateful’ clip that has gone viral on social media.

In the clip that was taken in 2018, the governor is heard inciting residents of Mutha to get rid of the Somali herders who she accuses of taking over Ukambani farms. She promises the residents to fund and train and arm the Kamba men to match the Somali herders.

“Don’t think those guns are so powerful, I will give you money to get some and train our men on how to use a gun, bows, and arrows so that we can do away with these people, there is no other option,” Ngilu says

MPs from Northern Kenya now want Ngilu arrested for incitement with Eldas MP Adan Keynan saying, ”It is really unfortunate the governor is trying to cause strife between the two communities something that can cause great loss.”

He also went on to plead with the government to help Somalis as fought and famine continue to affect parts of the North Eastern region.