Omwenga Murder Trial: Tycoon Chris Obure Set Free 

Mr. Obure had been charged with being in possession of a Firearm and failure to secure his Firearm which was used to murder Kelvin Omwega on August 21, 2020 at Senteu Plaza.

Nairobi Businessman Chris Obure at the Milimani Court | PHOTO BY CYRUS KIMANGA/UZALENDO NEWS

Milimani Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Bernard Ochoi has acquitted Nairobi Businessman Chris Obure.

Mr. Obure had been charged with being in possession of a Firearm and failure to secure his Firearm which was used to murder Kelvin Omwega on August 21, 2020 at Senteu Plaza.

Magistrate Bernard Ochoi noted that the prosecution failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt to put Chris Obure on his defence. 

On the other hand, the court ruled that his co-accused person, Robert Ouko has a case to answer after the prosecution successfully pinned him to the crime scene.

The prosecution had called 8 witnesses in the case to prove their case against the duo.

The court agreed there was no consistency with the prosecution witnesses’ testimonies linking him with the offence.

“After evaluating the evidence and facts in this case, I find that the prosecution has not established prima facie case against the first accused person, I, therefore, acquit him on all counts under section 210 of the CriminalProcedureCode” Ruled Magistrate Bernard Ochoi.

“I also find that the prosecution has proved their case against the second accused person (Robert Ouko) beyond a reasonable doubt. This court, therefore, finds to have a case to answer and accordingly places him on his defence” The Magistrate proceeded. 

The court directed the defence case against Robert Ouko to proceed on November 22, 2022 to inform the court on how he will tender his defence.

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