Clergy Calls For Peace, Action Against Rogue Leaders

Written By Getrald Gekara 📝

The Kenya Council of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has called on Kenyans to avoid choosing leaders engaged in election malpractices and incitement. 

In a press statement the clergy has asked institutions charged with enforcement to bar tainted leaders from holding office. 

“We call on all the institutions cited above to deal firmly with candidates who are engaging in voter bribery, inciting the people, spewing hate speech and conducting violent campaigns, including barring them from running for office in accordance with Chapter Six of the Constitution.” 

On peace, KCCB has called on Kenyans to maintain peace and promised to work together with the government through prayer and advocacy. 

“We plead with our leaders and the voters to ensure the forthcoming General Elections are violence free and issue based.”

“As a Church we are committed to playing our part in ensuring a peaceful and credible electioneering process by way of prayer and civic education across the country through our Catholic Justice and Peace Departments.”

Kenyans are set to go into a transitional election on August 9th 2022 when President Uhuru Kenyatta’s term expires. 

The church has been vocal in criticizing leaders on what they are doing to address issues such as the rising cost of living. 

“We call on the Government to make a deliberate policy intervention to cushion Kenyans by way of reduced taxes on basic commodities until such a time that the economy will have improved. The high cost of fuel continues to be a concern because it has a ripple effect on the prices of essential commodities.”