Coronavirus: 68 Students test positive in Bahati Girls school

Bahati girls Secondary School
Bahati girls Secondary School

Health experts in Nakuru have confirmed that 68 students and 5 teachers from Bahati Girls in Nakuru County have tested positive of COVID-19.

Confirming the infections, Nakuru County Health CEC Kariuki Gichuki said it has put 115 students in quarantine.

Gichuki further said that a student who tested positive developed complications and is being attended at Nakuru PGH COVID-19 isolation and management center.

County health experts are monitoring the students and teachers in isolation and quarantine at the school, as the county assures its resents that the cases could be contained.

“A team from the Health Department has been conducting COVID-19 prevention and management for learning institutions. The ongoing program targets teachers, students and non-teaching staff across the County,” He said.