Kidero Stumbles In Ksh. 14.4M Graft Case

Evans Kidero, the former Nairobi Governor, has been unsuccessful in his attempt to stop a prosecution aiming to recover Sh14.4 million from him as a result of millions allegedly stolen from City Hall in 2014.

Dr. Kidero filed a motion to dismiss the case, claiming that it was brought by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to shame him since he was facing criminal accusations in a magistrate court over the same money.

He went on to say that the money had nothing to do with City Hall and that it came from the sale of a Toyota Lexus to a firm called Cups Ltd.

Justice Esther Maina, on the other hand, dismissed the case, claiming that the complaint was not a misuse of the legal system.

"I am therefore unable to establish that this case is an abuse of the court process or that staying or dismissing it is in the public interest," said the judge.

His lawyer, senior counsel Tom Ojienda, contended that there was no evidence linking him to the money reportedly sent to a law firm before it was dispersed among former City Hall officials.

The EACC filed the action in order to recover Sh68 million that was allegedly taken as part of a plot to defraud the county government for payment of costs in a case brought against city Hall by a ghost firm.