Court Declines To Stop Forgery Case Against Deputy Governor Savula

Kakamega County Deputy Governor Ayub Savula has been dealt a huge blow. A Court declined DPP’s request to drop forgery charges against him and his two wives.

Milimani Chief Magistrate Lucas Onyina ordered Savula and his two wives; Melody Gatwiri Ringera and Hellen Kepkor Kemboi appear before him on September 23 and 24 for further hearing of the case.

Savula and his wives are charged with alleged intent to defraud, and made a false document namely Ministry of Health requisition letter purporting it to have been issued and signed by Judith Sirima of Ministry of Health.

The magistrate noted the request by the DPP to terminate the case against Savula and his two wifes did not considered the forgery charge.

“This court considers the totality of the request by the DPP and the accompanying high court decision and finds that the superior court did not address the forgery charge against the three which this court directs the DPP to present evidence,” Onyina ruled

He however freed Savula, his wife’s and 14 others in other 10 counts including conspiracy to defraud the government Sh 122 million in the Government Advertising Agency tenders.

In his ruling the magistrate concurred with the DPP that the High Court has established that the substrum of the case was pegged on legality of the contract at the center of the dispute.

He noted that the high court had validated the tender and directed Savula his wife’s and their companies be paid