Court Stops Release Of Makueni Doctor Jailed For Being ISIS Member After CS Kindiki’s Letter

Doctor Mohammed Abdi Ali, a terror convict serving 12 years jail term has lost his pursuit of remission orders after CS Kindiki wrote to Kenya Prison Serving struggling any attempt to have Ali released from prison on account of good behaviour while in prison.

The convict Mohammed Abdi Ali alia Abu Fidaa was sentenced to serve 12 years in jail by Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku.

In her sentencing, the magistrate said that the duration of time the terror convict has been in custody during the hearing of the case should be factored out in executing the jail meaning the convict would stay in prison for only 4 years since he has already spend 8 years in police cells.

After the sentencing, Kenya Prison Service wrote to Interior Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Kithure Kindiki seeking to remission the convict saying his behaviour had been outstanding throughout the incarceration period.

CS Kindiki, however, wrote to the DPP Mr. Reason Ingonga and the commissioner of prisons Brig. (Rtd) John Kibaso Warioba denying the remission request.

According to CS Kindiki, Mohammed Ali is and remains a threat to the public.

“The prisoner was charged with serious felonies that ought to have attracted severe penalties. On account, the prisoner and his co-accused were denied bail and bond during the whole duration of the trial. So far, there is no evidence to suggest that the accused person is remorseful or has reformed. He remains a threat to public security and order. In exercise of the power conferred by section 46 of the prisons Act, i do hereby deny the prisoner remission.” Says CS Kindiki.

Mohammed Abdi Ali was a Medical Doctor at Wote Hospital in Makueni County in 2016 when he was charged with various terrorism offences.

He is said to have intended to use biological weapon namely anthrax bacteria to harm Kenyans.

He was charged alongside his wife who at the time was a medical student at Kampala University in Uganda.

At the end of the trial the wife was acquitted for lack of evidence linking her to any terror activity.

Mohamed was on the other hand convicted and sentenced to serve 12 years in prison.

The Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions prayed for time to file an appeal against the lenient sentence.