Creation of Kenya Nutrition Action Plan 2023-2027 in Progress Following Success in Malnutrition Reduction

    The multisectoral Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2023–2027 is being developed by the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2023–2027 is a multisectoral plan being developed by the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    In order to address hunger and promote healthy eating habits throughout the life course, the KNAP 2023–2027 is a comprehensive five-year plan that will use a multi-sectorial approach.

    This comes after the previous KNAP 2018–2022, which was successfully implemented and marked a considerable reduction in malnutrition, especially in terms of the prevalence of stunting, which dropped from 26% in 2014 to 18% in 2022.

    The accomplishments and knowledge gained from the previous KNAP’s implementation will be expanded upon by the current one.

    The development process has involved extensive consultation, gathering recommendations from national and county-level stakeholders involved in multisectoral nutrition.

    Stakeholders will establish the KNAP’s priority areas, important results, and strategic objectives in a workshop that began on June 17.

    To successfully accomplish these goals, specific plans of action and interventions will be suggested, bolstered by performance metrics to track advancement. Comprehensive activities will also be described for every goal.

    Health, Agriculture and Livestock Development, Labour and Social Protection, Education, Trade, Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, KEBS, NACONEK, and Kenyatta National Hospital are among the ministries, departments, and agencies that are involved in this process.

    Other important partner organisations included USAID-Momentum, Breakthrough Action, International Rescue Committee (IRC), UNICEF, WHO, Save the Children, GAIN, Nutrition International, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)Networks, Action against Hunger (ACF), and KANCO.