CS Duale Explains Why June Ruto was selected to Defence college

Written by Faith Mwende

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has defended President William Ruto’s daughter June Ruto’s enrollment in the National Defence College’s (NDC) one-year National Security Strategy programme.

Duale’s clarification came after an outcry from Kenyans, who saw June’s appointment as a clear evidence of favouritism inside the Kenya Kwanza government.

This came after unverified claims surfaced that June Ruto had been named Director of Foreign Service and would enrol in the National Defence College course.

Duale said on Citizen TV that June was seconded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she works on numerous diplomatic duties, to study.

“June Ruto, the daughter of the president and staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is one of the sixty-seven students who started their classes today, July 3,” he explained, adding, “she is among the three that were nominated by the ministry of foreign affairs to do the one-year national security strategy course.”

Duale attempted to dispel rumours of bias in the program’s applicant selection, stating that participants came from a variety of government ministries, departments, and organisations, including KRA, EACC, NIS, ODPP, KDF, and the Ministry of Health.

He attributed the rage, especially among Kenyans on social media platforms, to misinformation.

“This is part of the fake news and propaganda people are peddling,” he said.

Duale, who gave the inaugural lecture to the 2024/2025 cohort, says that the program has also included nineteen participants from sixteen allied countries in Africa and Asia.

June Ruto, and the other students, will be equipped with skills on leadership, strategic studies, and national security key in tackling emerging security challenges.