Defence CS Duale Visits KDF Troops in North Eastern 

Written By Vanessa Kariuki || 

Hon. Aden Duale, Cabinet Secretary for Defense, and Vice Chief of Defence Forces Lt. General Francis Ogolla expressed their best wishes for a happy new year to gallant KDF soldiers stationed at different Forward Operating Bases in North Eastern.

The visits are customary holiday tours by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Defense and the CDF to various Services, Formations, and Bases with the goal of boosting the morale of troops.

CS Duale conveyed President William Ruto’s best wishes and holiday greetings, assuring them of the President’s full support as they participate in operations aimed at reducing violent extremism in the larger North Eastern Region.

The CS expressed great optimism about the troops’ readiness while touring Wajir Air Base, Damasa, Gherille, and Diff Forward Operating Bases. He pleaded with them not to give up on keeping the country safe.

In addition to thanking the soldiers for their selfless devotion to the country, he reaffirmed the government’s efforts to modernize and equip the KDF with new weapons so that it will be ready to defend itself against potential aggressors.

Brigadier William Kamoiro, commander of the 2nd Brigade, and other senior Officers accompanied the CS and the VCDF.