Devolution PS Charged With Assaulting Pregnant Wife

Devolution Principal Secretary Julius Korir | BY CYRUS KIMANGA
Written by Cyrus Kimanga  📝

Devolution Principal Secretary Julius Korir may have to step aside after he was charged with assaulting his estranged wife Evelyn Koech while pregnant.

The PS who was before Milimani chief magistrate Susan Shitubi denied the assault charges after reconciliation talks failed despite the PS offering her Kshs 450,000 as rent.

Korir answered the criminal charges despite his lawyer, a former Judge Nicholas Ombija, making spirited efforts to halt his plea taking.

Milimani Milimani chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi ruled that the complainant Koech, cannot be forced to reconcile with her estranged husband.

The magistrate noted that the matter has been postponed several times for the plea taking and doing so for the fourth time would amount to emotional abuse.

Ps Korir denied that on September 17, 2020 at Ndalat Road, Karen in Nairobi, he assaulted Koech and caused her bodily harm.

After denying the charges, Korir’s lawyer Ombija urged the court to release him on reasonable bail terms saying that he isn’t a flight risk as he works for the government of Kenya.

“He is unwell and locking him in custody would affect his health condition. He is in charge of devolution at the moment and there is a conference due in may where the participants are expected to be over 30,000” said lawyer Ombija.

He was released on a cash bail of Ksh 20,000 with one contact person. The case will be mentioned on April 19.

The court has also barred PS Korir from contacting any of the witnesses in the matter after the lawyer of the complainant informed the court that the accused has been intimidating some of the witnesses, especially their former employees when the two used to live together.

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