DP Gachagua Reveals He Was A Musician At Koinange Street

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday revealed he was once in the entertainment industry.

Speaking on Inooro TV, the DP talked of his experience as a musician at one of the famous clubs in the city.

“I was once a dance songs musician at Dolce club on Koinange street,” he revealed.

Gachagua spoke about his past while proposing how clubs would still operate in residential areas without being closed down.

“The club was soundproofed such that you could hear no noise from outside. Remember that the bar owners are parents who also need to continue with their businesses to meet their daily bread. Hold a meeting with them and agree on a period which will be suitable for them to install soundproofs in these bars,” he said.

The second in command stated that now that he is the DP, he will never stop fighting for the country’s business people.

“I am still the same Gachagua who has been fighting for my people. If this will make me described as a tribalist then may it be,” he announced.