DP Ruto Raids Raila’s Nyanza heartland

DP William Ruto is raiding Raila Odinga’s inner political sanctum today ahead of their 2022 showdown.

Ruto will hold a campaign blitz branded as an empowerment mission in Kisumu, Homambay, and Migori.

A dispatch from his communications epicenter says the DP will host an empowerment program for business people at Kondele, Kisumu, at 9 am Wednesday 10th.

In the afternoon, he will hold similar functions in Migori County at Rongo town (11 am), Ranen Market (1 pm), and Uriri Market (2 pm).

At 3 pm, Dr. Ruto will meet the youth at Kabondo Pagisa Resort in Homa Bay County.

The final event of the day will be a meeting with UDA coordinators at Cold Spring Hotel in Homa Bay at 7 pm.

*This article was written by Henry Kimoli for Uzalendo News.  Email: uzalendonews24@gmail.com to submit your story.