DPP Has Approved Graft Charges Against Tanathi Water Works CEO Over Ksh.292M Tender

    In a statement, the ODPP confirmed that there was sufficient evidence to warrant prosecution of the CEO and preferred nine charges against him and his alleged accomplices for engaging in procurement irregularities during the Financial Year 2020/21. 

    The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) is set to charge Tanathi Water Works Development Agency Chief Executive Officer Fredrick Tito Mwamati and other senior officials over procurement irregularities totalling over Ksh.292 million.

    In a statement, the ODPP confirmed that there was sufficient evidence to warrant prosecution of the CEO and preferred nine charges against him and his alleged accomplices for engaging in procurement irregularities during the Financial Year 2020/21. 

    According to the ODPP, investigations carried out by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) implicated Mwamati in the fraudulent award of a tender for the construction of Kananie Leather Industrial Park Water Supply Phase I and II amounting to Ksh.292,770,465.

    The said tender was awarded to Perma Structural Engineering Company Ltd, which was a non-responsive bidder.

    Others implicated in the scandal include; Francis Kyalo Siva (General Manager, Infrastructure development), Dave Otieno Mwango (Manager, Construction and Residual Operations), Duncan Mulandi Mutambuki (Manager, Finance and Accounts), Dickson Mugambi Mungathia (Engineer in the Department of Infrastructure Development), and Erick Muendo Ng’alu (Senior Engineer in the Department of Construction and Residual Operations).

    Peter Muange Kimuyu (Director of Perma Structural Engineering Company Limited), Joseph Mutua Muange (Director of Antidote Agencies Limited), Willy Kimuyu Muange (Director of Perma Structural Engineering Limited,) Perma Structural Engineering Limited, Antidote Agencies Limited,as well as Kyasi General Merchant were also found at fault.

    The ODPP has hence preferred nine charges against the CEO and his alleged accomplices, including: