Drake and Sophie Brussaux Celebrate Their Son’s Fifth Birthday Together

Drake and Sophie Brussaux each shared a series of photos for their son Adonis’ fifth birthday. 

The rapper, 35, and the former model, 33, both took to social media to highlight their little man on his big day. 

Drake shared a series of photos from his superhero-themed birthday party which was held at a large arcade space. 

Brussaux also shared an eclectic mix of photos, some from Adonis’ birthday and some from throughout the year. 

She began her caption in French, writing, ‘Joyeux anniversaire mon amoureux…5 ans déjà’ which roughly translates to ‘Happy birthday my love…5 years already.’ 

Sophie then added in English, ‘I’m so proud of the beautiful human you are growing up to be. We’ve done a great job @champagnepapi,’ tagging Drake’s account.  

Drake and Brussaux co-parent though they are no longer romantically involved. 

The pair were first spotted together in January 2017. Just two months later, rumors began to swirl that the couple were expecting a child. 

At first, Drake’s camp seemed to deny that the Jimmy Cooks rapper was the father. 

‘This woman has a very questionable background,’ the team said in a statement to TMZ. ‘She has admitted to having multiple relationships…She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant. If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.’ 

He later admitted that he was the father and rapped about his son in songs released the following year. 

Still, he didn’t share photos of his song right away. The rapper waited a couple years before sharing pictures with the world. 

Drake said he didn’t ‘want to feel like just because of a life choice I made to be a “celebrity” that I got to make everybody live under this blanket. … I just wanted to free myself of that.’